In this article, I will walk you through the very first experience with dx, let's get started!

Sign in to your workspace

To interact with your workspace’s resources, such as deploying apps to your infrastructure, you will need to connect your CLI with the server by this command:

dx login <build-server-url>

# example
dx login <http://localhost:6969>

This would open a new tab on your browser and request for authentication, just follow the login steps and get the access token string, switch back to the command line to paste it in.

<aside> 💡 Private Workspace

When you create your first workspace, there will be an option to turn on the private workspace, if you don’t turn it on, your workspace will be public and everyone can have access to it.

For the private workspace, only the invited members can interact with the workspace’s resources.

You can have multiple teams and roles within your workspaces, this would let you give limited access to your members to every cloud resources, play around with these settings on the admin dashboard.


Now let's login to our public workspace:

dx login <>

Notes: this workspace is only intended for a "hello world" experience. Do not use it as a production server, as I cannot offer any SLA (Service Level Agreement) regarding the usage of resources. (Well, I may have one in the future, who knows, if I receive enough donations)

<aside> 💡 Learn more about workspaces, teams & members here


Create your first application

Dx allow you to create new web application from the boilerplate (just like create-react-app or create-t3-app), I called these boilerplates “Frameworks”, you can manage these frameworks in your workspace dashboard.

new command

dx new

Then follow the form to create your app, it will help setting up some pre-configurations, and register the app with your Diginext server for deployment later on.

<aside> 💡 Learn more about Projects & apps here
